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Katherine Dudley Hoehn

Limericks - Honoring St. Patrick's Day with White Pelicans and a Rooster

Updated: Oct 3, 2019

Edward Lear is credited with inventing the limerick. He wasn't Irish but from England. For a host of reasons, most completely irrelevant, this quirky, witty and succinct form of poetry is often recognized around St. Patrick's Day. The Irish Times says "Limerick is the only place in Ireland to give its name to a form of poetry."

I chose limericks to honor two avian species I used as subjects this week as my new camera and I got to know one another better. Enjoy. I sure did.

Dozens of white pelicans take flight from their perch on a sandbar in Simpson Creek, off Little Talbot Island in North Florida
Taken from a kayak, off Little Talbot Island where Simpson Creek meets the Fort George River.

White Pelicans

North Florida Winter Visitors

In winter the pelicans so white

Choose Amelia over cold northern nights.

Not fond of things foreign;

They don’t care for humans.

Sensing people said pellies take flight.

Rooster Shunned

I certainly admire the chickens;

Whose rooster kept cornering his pickins.

The old hens were smart;

And none of them tarts.

Shunned rooster his wounds he was lickin.

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תגובה אחת

10 במרץ 2019

Very clever. I loved the pelican photos. And thoroughly enjoyed the limericks too. Oh and kayaking with you on my first trip down Simpson Creek. What sheer pleasure!

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